” So Solo ” by TORY AND TIA Going for adds Now at CHR / Hot AC Rad

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For immediate Release:

Tory and Tia are two beautiful teenage sister pop singers whose harmonies can only be created by siblings.
Daughters of legendary Singer and Ukulele player Troy Fernandez, these two were Born to Perform.
Combing lush vocals and harmonies on great Pop songs is a winning combination as you can hear on their
debut single ” So Solo ” The song was produced by pop guru Johnny Vieira who shares management duties with International Music Manager Qadree El-Amin ( Janet Jackson and Boyz II Men ) among others.
Thanks for supporting Tory and Tia and the single ” So Solo ”
Contact johnny Vieira for more info at 310.691.4487

Tory and Tia sign Co-Management Deal Los Angeles, CA, October 17, 2015

International Music Manager Qadree El -Amin of SouthPaw Entertainment partners up with Record Producer and Manager Johnny Vieira of J.V.M and J.O.T.S Entertainment in the managing duties of Teen Pop Sister act Tory and Tia
(Debut Single So Solo impacting radio October 26th )
SouthPaw Entertainment had major success in the past guiding the careers of Boyz II Men and Janet Jackson among others. Mr Vieira helped launch the careers of Vanessa Hudgens, Janel Parish, Bre Kennedy and several other singer / Actors since opening his doors back in 2002

For more information contact:
Johnny Vieira (310) 691-4487

Miley Cyrus just torpedoed her own career, and MTV helped

I spent a lot of time late Sunday night entertaining a sleep-deprived theory that Miley’s VMA hosting gig was a setup. I mean, everything’s a setup in some way; gathering hundreds of the most followed people on Twitter under the hallowed roof of something called the Microsoft Theater is a setup within a setup, a canvas upon which countless profitable setups can be executed. On first glance, Viacom giving Miley Cyrus carte blanche on live TV for three hours seems like a gift, a cynical holiday bonus from a company whose dwindling relevance was temporarily decelerated in 2013 by her headline-grabbing twerk-like gestures and tongue gymnastics.

Read more : http://www.theverge.com/2015/9/1/9235025/miley-cyrus-mtv-vma-2015-nicki-minaj

Johnny Vieira Interview


How did you decide that you wanted to go into the music business?

I have only known music and or the music business. Ever since I was a kid. By 12 I was writing and playing music. In fact I had my first real guitar lesson at 13 years old at a local Music store in San Leandro called Music Unlimited. Miraculously the store is still there in the same spot today. I guess that was the 20150213_155804start and I never looked back. I studied Music theory in College but then dropped out to move to Los Angeles when I was about 21. After about 5 or 6 years of being an artist I knew I was supposed to be the guy behind the artist so I founded Johnny On the Spot Productions. Things just kind of went from there when I spotted and started working with Vanessa Hudgens. After the High School Musical blew up for us things were never quite the same again. She has obviously moved on since then but you never forget your first big success. It was incredible. I’ve never looked back since then and continue to find, develop and manage talent today.

Read full Interview :http://www.stephenesketzis.com/interviews/johnny-vieira-putting-the-talentss-best-interests-first-before-all-else/